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Ellis appointed to KTC Advisory Board

Owen County, Ky.

Gov. Andy Beshear has appointed Owen County Judge/Executive Casey Ellis to the Kentucky Transportation Center (KTC) Advisory Board.

The Kentucky General Assembly created the KTC’s Advisory Board in 1984. The Board’s purpose is to assist with policy formation and to provide direction to the Center.

The board consists of nine members appointed by the governor with the following representatives: the Secretary of the Transportation Cabinet, the State Highway Engineer, the University of Kentucky Dean of the College of Engineering, one member each from a list submitted by the Kentucky Association of Counties, the Kentucky County Judge/Executive Association and the Kentucky League of Cities and three members at large.

Ellis, who serves as third vice-president of the Kentucky County Judge/Executive Association, called the nomination by his peers “humbling.”

“I’m also honored by the trust of Gov. Beshear to appoint me to such an important board,” Ellis said. “The work done by the KTC Advisory Board is vital to protecting the public. I am proud to be a member and look forward to serving the commonwealth in this capacity.”

Ellis replaces Boone County Judge/Executive Gary Moore, whose term has expired.

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