Parks & Recreation
Located at 355 Ellis Road, the Owen County Park and Fairgrounds is a county- owned and maintained facility in conjunction with the Owen County Fair Board.
Park features include:​
4-mile walking track
Skate park
Tennis court
Basketball court
The Owen County Fair Board hosts the annual county fair, which typically begins the last Saturday in June and runs through the following Saturday. The fair includes carnival rides and games, livestock shows, exhibits, demolition derbies, truck and tractor pulls, and a Family Fun Night.
Other events held at the park and fairgrounds throughout the year include the Battle Of the Bluegrass (a softball tournament of the Grant County Special Olympics), the fair board’s horse show (typically held in September), spring and fall demolition derbies, fall truck pull, and Project Graduation Haunted Trail.
Additionally, the Owen County Parks and Rec board facilitates seasonal sports for youth ages three (3) and up.
Spring Sports
Baseball (machine pitch; 8U and up)
Softball (machine pitch (8U and up)
Tee Ball (5-6 years old)
Soccer (3 years old and up; contact JP Grider at 502-750-3535 for more information).
Fall Sports
Football (5 years to 6th grade; contact Don Allnutt at 859-200-2103 for more)
Cheer (3 years old and up; contact Don Allnutt at 859-200-2103 for more)
Soccer (3 years old and up; contact JP Grider at 502-750-3535 for more)
Winter Sports — Contact Courtney Roberts at 502-750-2211 for more information.
Basketball (5 years old to 8th grade)
Cheer (3 years old to 8th grade)
Gymnastics runs in sessions throughout the year, taking a break during the summer months. For more information, contact Laura Porter at 502-514-2885.
For general parks and rec inquiries, please contact Chairperson Ann Carter at 513-562-7332.
Owen County Parks & Rec Board Members:
Ann Carter, Chairperson
Jenny Coyle, Treasurer
Dolores Dempsey, Secretary
Chris Dempsey, Board Member
Larry Dale Perry, Board Member
Jimmy Marston, Board Member
Shannon Cook, Board Member