Fiscal Court
The Kentucky Constitution of 1891 gave the name "Fiscal Court" to the body in each county that would act as that county's government. In Owen County, the Fiscal Court is composed of the County Judge/Executive and four Magistrates. Each member of the Fiscal Court serves a four-year term.
Meet the Magistrates

Tom Slayback
1st District Magistrate
Serving New Liberty, Bromley, Jonesville and North Owenton
1st District County-Maintained Roads

Wayne Harris
3rd District Magistrate
Serving New Columbus, Lusby's Mill, Bethany and Hesler
3rd District County-Maintained Roads

Dane Perkins
2nd District Magistrate
Serving South Owenton and Owenton
2nd District County-Maintained Roads

Travis Fitzgerald
4th District Magistrate
Serving Wheatley, Gratz, and Monterey
4th District County-Maintained Roads
Attending a Fiscal Court meeting
The Owen County Fiscal Court meets at 5 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month unless otherwise scheduled. Notice of special meetings will be posted on the courthouse door, 100 N. Thomas St., Owenton, KY 40359, at least 24-hours prior to the special meeting.
County residents are invited and encouraged to attend all fiscal court meetings. The fiscal court is responsible for setting policy, enacting ordinances, approving the budget and voting on all fiscal matters which pertain to a variety of direct and indirect county services including roads, public safety, parks and recreation, etc.
Addressing the Fiscal Court
Individuals who wish to address the Fiscal Court should call the Owen County Judge/Executive's Office at (502) 484-3405 prior to the meeting to be added to the agenda or sign the sign-in sheet at the entrance of the courtroom upon arriving at the meeting. Individuals placed on the agenda will be given three minutes to address the court.