Emergency Management

Owen County Emergency Management
Larry Karsner, Director
100 N. Thomas St.
Owenton, KY 40359
Phone: (502) 484-3405
Fax: (502) 484-1004
Owen County Emergency Management
Tim Cammack, Deputy Director
100 N. Thomas St.
Owenton, KY 40359
Phone: (502) 484-3405
Fax: (502) 484-1004
Emergency management protects lives and property by integrating emergency services for disaster preparation, response, and recovery efforts across Owen County with support from state and federal agencies. We are committed to working to reduce the risk of natural and human-made disasters in the most efficient and effective manner possible while improving the quality of life within Owen County.
Owen County Emergency Management (OCEMA) shall assist public agencies, schools, healthcare facilities, industry, and the general public in promoting emergency preparedness, assist with the coordination of disaster response and recovery operations. We will encourage mitigation efforts in all jurisdictions to ensure the safety and welfare of the residents of Owen County, before, during and after a disaster or large-scale emergency.
Additional services provided by OCEMA include 911 addressing, shelter-in-place projects for public and private organizations, and operational readiness of the Owen County Regional Notification System (telephone notification system) and Community Outdoor Warning Systems (COWS).