Bid Invitation - Q&A
Q: Would you like different pricing options to be submitted in one bid?
A: Yes.
Q: Does Owen County Public Transit have an IVR system currently? If not, is this a feature the county is interested in having included?
A: Owen County Public Transit does not currently have an IVR system. Feature options are welcomed.
Q: Is there a specific page limit on the RFP? Adding any additional material as annexures for the technical proposal?
A: No.
Q: Owing to the current conditions of the pandemic, is OCPT open to considering online training sessions?
A: Yes.
Q: What is the maximum number of paratransit vehicles at peak service on any given day?
A: 10-200. The maximum number has not been determined.
Q: Do you want us to host the solution, or do you want to host it in your own environment?
A: Please provide advantages and disadvantages of both solutions.
Q: What is your desired start date and go-live date?
A: Third quarter (January-March 2022).
Q: What are some of the pain points with the current software solution that you would change immediately if you could?
A: There is no software currently being utilized. All scheduling and routing are handwritten.
Q: Buy America Certification (page 41, attached) both of the Certificates are for Non-Compliance can you direct us to what page we would find the Compliance form? Is this a typo?
A: The federal model clauses are required to be completed if applicable to the applicant.
Q: In light of the recent spike in Covid cases in our region, and the fact that our staff is once again working remotely, would an online submittal of our response to RFP-2021-01-OCPT be acceptable?
A: The RFP was approved by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Office of Transportation Delivery and once released no exceptions are permitted. Please noet on page 14 the following:
Four (4) paper copies, with one (1) being the original signature and one (1) electronic copy (PDF stored on a flash drive or DVD) of the Offerors responsive Technical and Cost Offer. The electronic copy is not an official submission without the hard copy submissions.
Q: Please confirm there have been no addenda issued in regards to the above RFP.
A: No addendums have been issued.